Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Fairmont Feature with Emma Farrelly

Fairmont Feature with Emma Farrelly

Time to talk with Emma Farrelly


In this instalment of Time to Talk, we chattedwith Emma Farrelly, the Assistant Director of Talent & Culture at CartonHouse. 


Here Emma delves into her career thus far, herfavourite part of her role and why taking the leap is the best decision you canmake. 


1. Tell us about your career in Carton Houseto date?

I completed a degree in HR and worked in the HRdepartments of retail and Aer Lingus. Then I decided to move to hospitality asI wanted a position where there was more interaction and familiarity with theteam on a daily basis. 


2. Your journey in Carton House, what hasthat been like?

I have been in Carton House for four years now.I started as an HR officer. Then I was promoted to assistant HR manager in2021. Most recently, I have been promoted to Assistant Director of Talent &Culture, which is very exciting. 


3. What makes the Carton House experience sounique?

Wereblessed to work with a team that is so welcoming. Its something that people always tend tomention when they start and when they leave here. 


As cheesy as it may sound, we are a real familyhere. In my new role in Talent & Culture over the last year and a half, wehave tried to place a particular focus on team bonding. We have a dedicatedHeartist and social committee that organises events, and this allows differentdepartments to interact with each other. It has been a brilliant influence onthe relationship aspect of Carton House.


4. What is your favourite part of your job?

Every day is different. I love seeing the entireemployee social cycle play out. You get to be a part of their first day, wherethey dont have a lot of experience, and then watch them grow and excel in arole. 


5. What advice would you give to someoneconsidering a career in hospitality at Carton House?

Take the leap! I didnt have any experience in hospitalitybefore starting here. I was completely new to the industry when I joined. Butit has been the best decision I have ever made. I thoroughly enjoy my timeworking here, and I know it is only going to get better.

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